10 Things I know to be true

Inspired by Sarah Kay’s TED talk

This was supposed to be my first post. But looks like it took its sweet time and here it is, ten things that I believe to be true. Hope you would share your list as well.

I was created for a purpose and so were you.
There are days and nights and the places in between where I feel lost. No matter how much I try to convince myself, I don’t find any solid stone to stand on.Things seem so meaningless. There is no way I was born to pay my bills and die. And I won’t stop looking for it until I have tried everything I could. Until one day I can put everything into a single piece that makes some sense.


This universe is like a moon – a part of it is always hidden.

Just because something is socially and widely accepted doesn’t mean its the ultimate reality. Being a skepti I doubt everything. It gives me reasons to stand tall on my beliefs.

Start asking questions to each and everything you believe in, every belief your family, your society, your education system has instilled in you; somewhere along the way you will reach a point where you won’t have a solid answer. And that’s where you need to start. Questions will take you to your answers. Everything around us is a sign, a metaphor and everything is connected to everything else in ways we couldn’t ever imagine.

Creating something out of nothing feels like heaven.

Its midnight and your thoughts start to peek in and crack open all your locks. you feel like you can’t afford to loose them. You can’t let them disappear. And you can’t let them linger in your mind or sit on a paper either. You want them to flow endlessly till you paint them all together into a piece.And on some days like this when you are brave enough, you find a place for them to shout out to the world for themselves.
It really feels like heaven.


We are born into a family neither by a choice nor a wish, we love them without any choice, without any inhibitions like we we were born for nothing but to love them. And there are a few people we choose to sit beside and we love them nothing less than family.

When you grow up to live away from your family and you realize that you can’t let all your unfiltered thoughts and fears into them. And there you are left with holes all around and you fill them with your friends. You know they will never give up on you and they are first thing which pops into your mind when your brain is running wild. No matter how many suns blast in a day, you know where to run when its dawn.

I am lucky to have a handful of people who would take a bullet for me and I so much enjoy poking them around.


“Its Life, It can’t ever be perfect, we need to accept things.” I don’t remember what we were discussing about when this statement came up but I do remember this. Because it had struck me like a shard and I gulped it twice like a hot coal. I haven’t accepted things so easily but I am learning to. Still somewhere in between, there are things I can’t accept and there are things I don’t want to accept. But I wish one day I will be in peace with them.


The only way to stop being afraid or stop being sensitive is to pretend that you aren’t. Sometimes you try to drink it up altogether but all you end up is shout it out.
And now I know that you don’t always need to spill your fear and angst on people who won’t understand. You don’t need to try so hard to make them understand.
You better sit that out or walk it off. May be it will take time but every time it comes back, greet it at the door with a hope much bigger than the fear.Things are going to hurt but I like the theory of at least giving a try to be your own superman.

There is Love, I know it is true and I know it is real. But I don’t know how it looks like. I wish it would look like my favorite book. May be it is waiting somewhere or may be it is too busy finding its way out or may be its lost. So, I will keep it in a box marked later. And if it happens to be an empty box then I would let it be.

Everyday you face, has something for you. An ounce of faith, a drop of fear, a bag of laughter, a spoonful of courage or a piece of memory, everyday is waiting for you
with something folded inside. And I would survive each day so I can stand before the next day with a pinch of hope that it will be better than the last day.

Its always worth taking a risk. At least for me it has been. You don’t know what comes next but when nothing is certain anything is possible.


No matter who you are, how bad you are at expressing or how good you are at caring. Not everyone will love you. Not everyone is ought to know the real you. But know that you are loved. Completely and utterly. It is the greatest truth you will ever know and also the greatest doubt you will ever face.
There is nothing poetic about loving peoples in pieces and halves. Love them with everything you are, for everything they are. Love them with all their scars and let this love push them to be better than they are.